Black tea with milk and cardamon

This recipe is very simple, and it can work as a delicious substitute for coffee. After preparing black tea, add milk, as much as to suit your taste. Add cardamon pods. They will give your tea a warm taste, slightly resembling Eucalyptus. Play with spices! You may use ginger, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, fennel seeds, or a mixture of these.
My tip: Try it with phistachio seeds or fresh hazelnuts

Rooibos with milk and cocoa

Rooibos may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those of you who like it, here's a recipe ideal for rainy, cold days. When preparing the Rooibos, mix the tea leaves with a teaspoon of cocoa. You may also find in stores Rooibos mixtures with cocoa pods, cinnamon, liquorice and cardamon.

Now get the cat on your lap and enjoy great literature!